Thursday, February 15, 2018

Ham log #6 - DC Power

Ki7QFV - DC Power and Anderson Powerpole connectors

So I got my deep cell battery (sealed, 35AH, 12v) to power my new radios.  My first attempt to connect my radio to power was a mess - clamps and wire nut twisted wires!  Yikes! 

So I asked a couple of Elmers for guidance and they suggested Anderson Powerpole connectors.  These little red and black adapters are amazing - they clip together in almost any configuration, and give you quick-connect access for anything you need.  To use them you need both the plastic housing, and the metal flange/lead.  The wire crimps into the flange, and the flange is inserted into the plastic housing.  The yellow adapters are just to attach the other end of the Anderson Powerpole to the battery terminal.   There's a great youtube video for assembling your powerpoles here:

My biggest challenge was crimping them tight enough - so I bought a crimp tool.  I don't have the hand strength to crimp with pliers.  The other challenge was in orienting the curved tip properly.  It helped to connect the black and red ends with the "A" facing up.  And then it was fairly easy to keep everything aligned.

Once the pieces were assembled, they created a neat set of quick-disconnect adapters I could use interchangeably.  Technically the clamps + anderson power poles would let me attach to any battery (not just my own) and attach any of my gear.  The other adapter was a cigarette lighter I could use to run my laptop's DC power plug.

My battery then needed some work - so I added a simple power bus to the battery terminals, and then ran the Anderson Powerpole off the bus.  The bus is attached with heavy-duty velcro to the top of the battery.  I can also use the more substantial spade connectors as needed.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Ham log #5 - I passed my General! Time to Radio hunt

Ki7QFV - Radio Hunting and Exams

I passed my general license test on January 28, 2018, in part thanks to an amazing class put on by W7DAO  at my local Red Cross office.  Taking the class was a fantastic boost to my confidence in taking the test, but it also backfilled a lot of missing math and basic electronics information I need to be a successful ham.  If you get a chance, I highly recommend taking a general class.  And you'll meet some great ham contacts!

As a result of passing, I now had to decide which radio I wanted, for what purpose, and in what form.  My little Baofeng was serving me well, but I needed an upgrade so I could do HF traffic.  Several wise Elmers warned me to avoid the all-in-one radios - if the radio promises to do everything, it won't be good at anything.  So for HF traffic, I went with a computer friendly Yeasu FT 891.  It's small enough to be mobile when I need it, strong enough to reach out and touch someplace far away, and smart enough to control with my laptop.  The big drawback is that it isn't a VHF/UHF radio, so I'd still need a second radio for those functions.

I bought the Yeasu online via Ebay, and it's also coming with something called a 63 foot end-fed antenna that says it doesn't require tuning (because of harmonics).  The real question will be if it works - but if it does, it's a very inexpensive solution compared to the other Yeasu antenna options, and one that could potentially be mobile, especially on RV camping trips in the woods.

For the UHF/VHF function in my vehicle, I've purchased a Kenwood TM-V71A.  It looks to be a powerful little mobile radio that can handle basic radio traffic with ease.  It can do 50 watts when needed, but can be throttled back to 5 watts when I want to play with low power testing.  I expect this to be a solid daily-use radio that should hold up well.  I'll use the mag-mount antenna for now, but I hope to install something more permanent later.

Ham log #4 - Antenna fun with the Baofeng

After playing around with my portable Baofeng a bit, I then linked up with some wonderful local mentor hams (often known as Elmers) that helped me learn more about what I could do with my little radio.  They recommended a new antenna (called a VHF/UHF magmount) that I could use either with a METAL cookie sheet or attached to the roof of my car to extend the reach of my little radio.   There are adapters that can make the "large" antenna connector fit the Baofeng's tiny antenna port available from Amazon.  The adapter is called a SMA Female to UHF SO-239.  You can get one here:
I then connected my Baofeng to the magnetically attached UHF/VHF antenna and set it magnetically attach to the roof of my vehicle.  The antenna (Luiton 27 Inch UHF(400~470MHz) Whip Base-load) greatly increases my range.  I will say that connecting and disconnecting this adapter is hard on the radio, and probably not the best long-term plan, but it works!
You can get one here:

I also joined a couple of directed communications "nets" as a visitor (it's good to practice communications and test your radio BEFORE an emergency arises).  Nets are formal or informal times when groups of hams get together to check in with each other over the radio.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Ham log #3 - APRS location services on Baofeng

Ki7QFV locating via APRS on my Baofeng UV-5R

APRS is a location service for hams.  Many see it as a great mechanism for tracking mobile stations, and on some radios, APRS can actually alert you when another APRS enabled ham is nearby, and even tell you which frequency they are on.

In my case, I wanted to make APRS work on my little Baofeng radio for transmitting my location.  I found an app online for my iphone called PocketPacket.  It has the ability to share my APRS geo-location information both by cell, and by radio.  It requires a special cable (BTECH APRS-K1 Audio Interface Cable) that looks like this: 

This cable, plugged into my iphone's headphone jack allowed me to configure the pocketpacket for "audio modem" mode.  After I configured all my personal settings/callsign information, I matched the radio to frequency 144.39, and connected!

You have to be careful with the app though - to really know you've made a radio connection you want to watch the packet log for the interface you're using. You should see the packet flow under the "audio modem" section.

By default the application wants to use the cell network to update your location information.  You'll need to intentionally disable the internet/IS connection, & *enable* the audio modem.  Then connect the cable, and set your radio to 144.39,  you should be good to go!

You also need to turn the VOX trigger down as far as you can, to prevent your updates from taking over the channel for longer than necessary.  Start with 100 if you can.  Once you have this fine tuned you should see your geo-location update if you check the web here:

If things go well, you should see the default icon (a house) on the map in your location, but you can change that icon to reflect your aprs function (vehicle, etc).

My next step will be to get a more intelligent radio that has built in APRS so I can leverage more of the advanced features of this tool, but this has been a fun first step!

Friday, February 9, 2018

Ham log #2 - Winlink Express screenshots and settings

Ki7QFV Winlink Express and Radio Email

A helpful ham mentor/Elmer (N6NBN) taught me how to send and receive winlink email (think SLOW email over radio).  Pretty cool stuff! Remember that you can't use it for business purposes (the same ham radio rules apply, and the email is regularly monitored).  Adding winlink to my toolkit required adding some additional hardware to my little to-go bag:

a) a USB printer cable
b) a Signalink or TNC-x device  (I bought both but I could have just used the Signalink)
c) A custom cable to go from the TNC-x or Signalink to my radio
d) A portable and *durable* laptop (toughbook in this case) with Winlink and Soundmodem installed

I then customized the little jumpers inside the signalink box for my specific radio, with the handy little wire jumpers provided in the signalink package.   It ended up looking like this:

I then stepped through a fairly long configuration process put together by W6CDD here:  Here's a snapshot of my winlink packet settings:
And here's a shot of my soundmodem settings once the signalink was attached.  The signalink MUST be attached before you'll see the USB Codec option.

I tested the whole configuration with internet access and the telnet option; but once configuration was complete,  I selected packet winlink and a nearby channel from the list,  and proceeded to test sending via radio!

Winlink could be VERY helpful in many situations - and one of the only ways you can communicate with non-Hams with your ham radio.  You can send to any internet email address, including the more obscure ones - so as an example, you could email a phone (example: etc.  Be aware that internet users can reply to your email, but may have problems sending directly to you without a //WL2K in the subject line.  

The next challenge was to make the signalink/winlink/soundmodem combination work on my Mac Laptop (because sometimes I have the Mac and not the PC with me).  That turned out to be more complicated, and I documented the process here:

I'm looking forward to taking this to the next level, when I can send winlink over long distances with a HF radio after I get my general license.

------- stop here for regular Winlink------

[Epilogue - I got my general, and was able to make the mac work on an HF radio!  Here are the settings to *instead* connect the mac via a serial/usb to a Pactor modem via an Icom marine radio - which is functionally the same as it would be from a PC.]

Ham log #1 - Why can't I transmit? offsets and tones

April's Ham Log!  Ki7QFV

Hello and welcome to my little voyage of Radio Ham discovery.  I am a new participant in the wild and wonderful world of Ham Radio communications, and I thought I'd share a little about my journey.

I passed my technician test on 10/1/2017 and acquired a functional little Baofeng UV-5R with an extended whip, a spare battery and a DC car charger.  This was my first exploration into VHF/UHF.

The little HT (handitalk) radio allowed me to listen in on several local channels, but it soon became obvious that I couldn't transmit.  Why you ask?  Because I didn't yet know what offsets and repeaters were really doing.  Once I added the appropriate offsets and tone settings, I was able to communicate on the repeater frequencies.

The thing with repeaters is they send and receive on slightly *different* frequencies.  And although you can generally listen, unless you program your radio, you won't be able to send.  You can look up offsets and the tones/CTCSS online here:  That table can help you configure your radio appropriately, especially if you use the Chirp software application to first back up your radio settings, and then add the channels to your configuration, and finally upload the configuration back to your radio.  You can find Chirp here:

Ham Log #8 - Ham Licenses

 So you want to become a Ham?  Congratulations!  You will find many kindred helpful souls online (called Elmers) that will be thrilled to he...